Bádanie a bádateľské prístupy vo vyučovaní geografie
Bádanie a bádateľsky orientované vyučovanie predstavuje jeden zo spôsobov ako žiakov aktivizovať k práci, motivovať k učeniu, premýšľaniu a hľadaniu prijateľných a zrozumiteľných vysvetlení. Vychádza z konštruktivistických prístupov k učeniu a nadobudnutie schopností a spôsobilostí ako sa učiť považuje za podstatne dôležitejšie ako získanie hotových informácií. V našom článku predstavujeme podstatu bádateľských činností realizovaných v procese učenia s rôznymi úrovňami zapojenia žiaka do samostatnej výskumnej práce. Sústredíme sa na špecifiká geografického bádania a príklady bádateľsky orientovaných učebných aktivít využiteľných v geografickom vzdelávaní. Osobitnú pozornosť venujeme terénnym výskumným činnostiam žiakov, ktoré nemajú v podmienkach Slovenska tradíciu, v pedagogickej praxi sú ignorované a s učebným predmetom geografia ich žiaci, ani učitelia nespájajú.
Inquiry and inquiry-based learning is one of the ways to activate students, motivate them to learn, think and find acceptable and understandable explanations. It is based on constructivist approaches to learning and the acquisition of skills and abilities to learn is considered to be significantly more important than obtaining ready-made information. In our article, we present the essence of research activities carried out in the learning process with different levels of students´ involvement in the independent research. We will focus on the specifics of geographical research and examples of inquiry-based learning activities usable in geographical education. We pay special attention to field research activities, which do not have a tradition in Slovakia, in pedagogical practice they are ignored, and the students as well as the teachers do not connect them with the subject of Geography.
Inquiry and inquiry-based learning is one of the ways to activate students, motivate them to learn, think and find acceptable and understandable explanations. It is based on constructivist approaches to learning and the acquisition of skills and abilities to learn is considered to be significantly more important than obtaining ready-made information. In our article, we present the essence of research activities carried out in the learning process with different levels of students´ involvement in the independent research. We will focus on the specifics of geographical research and examples of inquiry-based learning activities usable in geographical education. We pay special attention to field research activities, which do not have a tradition in Slovakia, in pedagogical practice they are ignored, and the students as well as the teachers do not connect them with the subject of Geography.
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