Miskoncepcie: ich rozpoznávanie, eliminácia a možnosti využitia v geografickom vzdelávaní
Miskoncepcie väčšinou odrážajú nesprávne porozumenie určitým zákonitostiam, procesom a javom vo svete okolo nás. Nemožno ich stotožňovať s nedostatočnými vedomosťami a rovnako nemožno tvrdiť, že každá nesprávna predstava alebo naivná teória dieťaťa je, alebo sa stane miskoncepciou. Náš príspevok ponúka v teoretickej časti prehľad rôznych miskoncepcií, ktoré sa v geografickom vzdelávaní vyskytujú. Okrem toho v tejto časti stručne charakterizuje 3 výskumy, ktoré boli orientované na elimináciu miskoncepcií. Výskumná časť príspevku je venovaná postupom, pomocou ktorých sme zisťovali výskyt miskoncepcií v témach o polohe Ameriky a o Mesiaci, ako aj možnosti ich eliminácie. Možno konštatovať, že výskum potvrdil existenciu viacerých miskoncepcií (symetria polohy Ameriky vzhľadom na rovník, ortodoxné severojužné vnímanie polohy Severnej Ameriky vo vzťahu k južnej, nesprávne chápanie príčin a prejavov mesačných fáz), ako aj odolnosť niektorých z nich (spojených hlavne s Mesiacom a jeho pohybmi). Ako účinný prostriedok eliminácie miskoncepcií sa javí najmä vizualizácia príslušných procesov a javov, za vhodné považujeme aj aktivizovať žiakov, diskutovať s nimi, zadávať im primerane náročné úlohy.
Kľúčové slová: geografia; geografické vzdelávanie; miskoncepcie; prostriedky zisťovania výskytu miskoncepcií; vizualizácia; riešenie úloh
Názov (angl.): Miscionceptions: their recognition, elimination and posibilities of use in geographical education
Abstract: Misconceptions mostly reflect incorrect understanding some principles, processes and phenomenons in the world around us. They are not equal to insufficient knowledges and similarly is not possible to state that every incorrect vision is, or becomes misconception. Our article presents in the theoretical part overview of different misconceptions which are present in geographical education. Moreover, briefly presents three researches which were aimed to elimination of misconceptions. Our research is devoted to methods which we used for both: detection and elimination of misconceptions in topics Location of America and Phases of the Moon. We can state that our research confirmed the existence od several misconceptions (symetrical location of Americas in relation to equator, orthodox north-south perception of South America’s location to North America, incorrect understanding the reasons and features of phases of the Moon), and equally, resistence of some of them (mainly connected with Moon and its movements). We perceive the visualisation of particular processes and phenomenons as effective means of elimination of misconceptions. Similarly, we consider as suitable also to activate of pupils, set discussion with them, give them reasonably demanding tasks.
Key words: Geography; Geographical education; Misconceptions; Means of detecion of misconceptions; Visualisation; Solving tasks
Kľúčové slová: geografia; geografické vzdelávanie; miskoncepcie; prostriedky zisťovania výskytu miskoncepcií; vizualizácia; riešenie úloh
Názov (angl.): Miscionceptions: their recognition, elimination and posibilities of use in geographical education
Abstract: Misconceptions mostly reflect incorrect understanding some principles, processes and phenomenons in the world around us. They are not equal to insufficient knowledges and similarly is not possible to state that every incorrect vision is, or becomes misconception. Our article presents in the theoretical part overview of different misconceptions which are present in geographical education. Moreover, briefly presents three researches which were aimed to elimination of misconceptions. Our research is devoted to methods which we used for both: detection and elimination of misconceptions in topics Location of America and Phases of the Moon. We can state that our research confirmed the existence od several misconceptions (symetrical location of Americas in relation to equator, orthodox north-south perception of South America’s location to North America, incorrect understanding the reasons and features of phases of the Moon), and equally, resistence of some of them (mainly connected with Moon and its movements). We perceive the visualisation of particular processes and phenomenons as effective means of elimination of misconceptions. Similarly, we consider as suitable also to activate of pupils, set discussion with them, give them reasonably demanding tasks.
Key words: Geography; Geographical education; Misconceptions; Means of detecion of misconceptions; Visualisation; Solving tasks
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