Scattered settlement landscape of the village Hrušov

Ján Lacika, Ján Hanušin


The scattered settlement landscape is a specific type of cultural landscape, with a relatively low degree of transformation of the original natural landscape. We present the reflections on the concept of cultural landscape in general and the specifics of a scattered settlement culture landscape. On the example of natural background and the cultural and political context in the village Hrušov we analyze the development of the cultural landscape with a large system of scattered settlements (lazy). Scattered settlement in Hrušov is the result of colonization by the local people, unlike most other settlements with scattered settlements inhabited by immigrants. Analysis of localization of lazy has shown that on less dissected plains their occurrence is higher, despite their greater distance from the center. The morphology of the terrain also determines the shape and character of the road network on lazy. The availability of lazy along roads alongside the distance also influences the number and character of morphological barriers that have to be overcome.

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